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Ian Burns

Making photographs and sharing moments.


Channels and Networks

Ian Burns

My earliest memories of photography are making images with a Kodak Instamatic 110 camera as a ten year old, given to me on my birthday by grandparents.

Since then, I have had many different camera's, creating thousands of images of family, my own children and the life experiences I have had, before realising that photography was more important to me than the usual family albums.

In 2018, at the age of fifty,  I made the decision to live a different life and follow my passion for photography, embarking on a course of study at the University of Sunderland. Now in my second year, I am enjoying the experience and find that I'm thinking about my photography a lot more.

I am thinking a lot about legacy, aesthetic and permanency, I want my children to inherit my work in a physical form and not just a hard drive with images on. I love working with film over digital, although digital work has been more necessary this year. Film gives me the tactile aesthetic, character and permanency I crave.

I like to immerse myself in projects, finding some kind of emotional connection with my subject to create an image, that has a greater value than the image itself. 

Creative Disciplines

  • Photography
  • Writing


County Durham
United Kingdom